Saturday, September 30, 2006

We are poets and didn't know it

I didn't think I would be posting while here at Ghost Ranch, but I am in the computer lab typing out this wonderful poem that the four NEP volunteers have written, and I thought I should give its debut in cyberspace. Each site is responsible for performing a "minimally informative" skit or something (a poem in our case) this evening, so here is our contribution...

by Patrick, Tara, Jeff and Chasie

We like your skits,
but we wrote a poem.
About our life
in our new home.

That home is Nashville, Tennessee,
Jeff, Tara, Patrick...and Chasie.

We live in a toolshed,
it’s kind of small.
Most people don’t realize it’s a house at all.

We have two love seats,
that’s all that will fit.
We spend time together,
because there’s nowhere else to sit.

It takes two giant ssteps to get to Second Pres,
where apparently we’re on the staff,
or so the bulletin says.

We use sticky traps and prayer to keep the brown recluses away,
but clearly they don’t work,
‘cause we find them every day.

But our work is the main thing that we do.
We don’t just hang out with our neighbor, Emmylou.

Jeff works with the homeless.
His job is wowsers!
He helps them wash their soiled trousers.

Chasie makes kids laugh
when she can’t dance,
and helps women get their GED
for a better chance.

Tara helps Hispanic people immigrate,
and gets mad when gringos like to hate.

Preston Taylor is Patrick’s new hood.
He helps kids read and write good.

We’re not country stars yet,
and we may never be.
But we’re one step closer,
living in Nashville, Tennessee.


Anonymous said...

I love it! It sure beats the most recent one I wrote.

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