Tuesday, September 12, 2006

These are some pictures I have taken with my phone. This will give you a small sense of where I am. There will be much better pictures with people in them once my new computer arrives and I get my camera cable.

"The Toolshed" aka our house (it's nice on the inside)

The year-round Christmas tree at the Campus for Human Development, currently decorated with back-to-school items. Homeless people do not have the same rhythm of holidays and seasons that most people enjoy, so this is a way of connecting them with the rest of the world.

The Support Desk at the Campus, where I will be working a lot of the time.

The view downtown from the Campus for Human Development

The very nice and large playground at 2nd Pres.


Anonymous said...

This must be the perfect match for you - a place with a Christmas Tree year round!

Anonymous said...

I am enjoying reading your accounts of life in Nashville! Our daughter, Jill, lived there years ago and we always enjoyed visiting the city.
My sister, Jan Terrell, is the cook for Miss Sherry's daycare center and they all love you over at Trinity! She also got to meet your mom during Bible School this summer.
You probably don't remember me, but I have known you through Central Presbyterian Church since you were a young boy.
We certainly are enjoying the new minister, Lant, and are happy to be back in church!
I will continue to check your progress and hope you are enjoying this adventure in your young life.
Jean Shutt
Jean Shutt