Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Semper Reformanda

You know you've spent too much time in church when this is what's on your refrigerator on October 31:

I hope your Reformation Day celebration was the best!


Anonymous said...

Reformation Day! That is why the little church in the shops across the street was passing out treats!

Anonymous said...

Can you really spend too much time in church? I guess you can if you never recognize how much of the world is outside the walls! Happy Reformation Day to You!

Anonymous said...

Seems like I spend lots of time in church (one or the other). I'm not sure it's helping though.

Sorry we missed your bash on the 29th. We did show up but only a few cars were there and it was about 1:45 so we went on. We didn't get out of our church until 12:20 or so and didn't want to walk in late for lunch at CP. So, we went to MCL and then to CP. Would have loved to see you and hear of your adventures. Do enjoy your entries. Keep posting.

Anonymous said...

Oooops, you can tell I'm proficient at this......I, Kenna, am anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!