Sunday, April 15, 2007

Toolshed under siege: When animals (and hoodlums) attack

The Toolshed seems to be under attack.

For nearly a week, what at first seemed like a normal robin, has tortured us with repeated crashes into our little home. Over and over (and over) he will fly head first into our living room window. He will sit on our trash can outside and then start his repeated pecking at our window. Normal sessions, which happen several times a day, include about 7-8 take offs and crash landings.

We have a few theories of what might be going on here. The bird might be mentally challenged. Maybe it fell out of its nest as a young baby robin. Perhaps its mother drank before laying her egg. We are also thinking that this might be the Holy Spirit trying to peck its way into our house in some symbolic action.

Here are a few action shots taken from inside.

Just as we thought the deranged robin was the biggest of our problems over on Richards Street...

This afternoon, Tara, Chasie and I went to see Blades of Glory with our friend Zach at the Regal Green Hills. We smuggled in some burritos from Baja Fresh since the movie started at 12:45 and we didn't have time to eat. When we pulled back up to the house, here is what we saw:

Yes, that's right, here in Green Hills, where there are no problems in the world, our beloved Toolshed was tagged. We think it was done in broad daylight since we didn't see it on our walk to church this morning or on the way to the movie. We're not sure what it says or stands for. Who would have done such a thing? Was it a random act of vandalism, or was this graffiti making a statement against us? It could have been some other group of volunteers who were jealous of our NEP awesomeness (the youth ministers? the Jesuits?). Maybe somebody from one of our workplaces was getting back at one of us. I wouldn't think the homeless people would walk this far, though I might have made a few enemies. Maybe one of the disgruntled Jr. High students from Patrick's after school program, or one of Tara's clients that she wronged in some way? Who knows. If you have any information on who might have committed this crime, or can figure out what the grafitti says, call us at the Toolshed or call the Metro Police directly. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

if anybody (including birds) is messing with my little jeffie, you just let me know and i will punch them square in the face. (or in the beak)

you see a lot of movies these days. did you forget you hate movies?

Anonymous said...

Jeff, someone has tagged the house similarly before, as well as the playground. Don't take it personally - it was probably not against any one of you living there. I'm sorry you felt disheartened by it.

I've enjoyed catching up on your postings.

Anonymous said...

Jeff, Your robin probably is attacking the bird he sees in the window for being in his space. You can try to hang something is that area so he can't see his reflection. This is a common problem in the spring nesting season! As for the other attacks...can't help you there!

Tara Lentz said...

i don't even have clients. (not that there's anyone this side of the rio grande who wouldn't like tarita, if i did.)