Saturday, November 04, 2006

Group of four lives together, aids others

The Tennessean featured the Nashville Epiphany Project in today's paper. They focused on Tara, the "former cheerleader," as we like to call her, since they had not given Conexion Americas too much coverage in the past. They got my age wrong, but at least they made me younger. And--yes, we do like to tell religious jokes. I guess that makes us pretty cool, right?

Tara wants you to know that Conexion Americas doesn't seek to assimilate immigrants into American culture, but rather to integrate. She also doesn't want anyone to think that she carries the attitude that she is serving in an us-and-them kind of way. That type of mission work, which has been what most mission work has looked like in the past, is not what we are about in the Young Adult Volunteer program and in most Presbyterian missions. Rather, it is in doing mission with and not to or for others that we are best able to serve while being respectful of the image of God in those with whom we work.

Here's the link for online reading:


Anonymous said...

We are proud of all of you.

Anonymous said...

nice article, Jeff. Thanks for sharing. Ages are either act them or you don't and either way, someone will find something to criticize. Keep laughing!